1. My grandparents had 2 sons and 1 daughter,and my parents have 1 son and 1daughter.
I want to have 1 son and 1 daughter.
2. The korean population is approximately 48,782,274. I think the population has negative consequences on the quality of life. Because if there is population explosion , it will cause many social problems such as houses and land.
3. The earth's population is approximately 60 hundred million.
4. I think there are several factors such as death, food, and disasters. Similarly, these apply to the human population through nature.
5. I believe that the governments are not allowed to control population. Because giving a birth is human instincts and a human right. It can cause lack of balance between human beings and nature.
How about controling population growth in poor countries???
Nice information!!
I think whether or not controlling population is depend on different situation. in some countries, the population is not a problem. however, in some countries, population causes many social problems.
Hi Sang Yun, I agree your opinion about the government control. Giving a birth is a personal decision and human rights as you said, and I hope governemnt should not interfere in this issue.
Well SangYun I believe you reached a sensitive point in all of us by writing that it’s a human right to have the choice of how many children you want (4 comments not bad at all) I have been working full time for the last 2years about the important issue that human rights is and it’s a hard question just to say that you are for or against to. This question has similarities with the unit about animal research I believe.
Take care Amigo greetings Alexander :-)
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